Fossil free future Take action to end UK government support for fossil fuels

Why campaign to stop fossil fuels?

Across the world we are seeing the devastating impacts of climate breakdown because of our reliance on coal, gas and oil. Extraction and burning of fossil fuels is heating the planet and destroying communities. More than two-thirds of man-made greenhouse gas emissions come from the fossil fuel industry. This must end.

We need to drastically and urgently reduce emissions by rapidly phasing out our toxic relationship with fossil fuels. This means putting an end to proposals for new fossil fuels here in the UK and scrapping support for dirty energy projects overseas and investment in the companies who operate them.

Who’s most at risk?

From more frequent extreme weather events and rising sea levels, to reduced food security, this destructive industry is making the planet increasingly uninhabitable. People in the Global South, Indigenous Peoples, people of colour, women, young people, and those on low incomes are bearing the brunt of these impacts.

It’s time to for our governments to stop fuelling the climate crisis and start investing in renewable energy and people’s lives and livelihoods. Starting with those most impacted who have done the least to cause this crisis, and workers reliant on polluting industries.

Image: Milamba community, Cabo Delgado province © Mozambique Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth Netherlands

How we’ll win

Across the country, and the world, communities have been standing up to the fossil fuel giants and our government’s support of them. We can all play our part in ending support for fossil fuels at home and abroad.

We've already had some brilliant successes...

How can I take action?

Convince your council to divest from fossil fuels

Councils need to follow their words with action by moving money out of fossil fuels and into ethical, greener investments. Put simply, divestment means moving money out of unethical companies by getting rid of stocks, shares, bonds or investment funds that are harming people and our planet.

By convincing your council to divest, your group can help weaken the influence and power of fossil fuel companies. There are already more than 50 groups working for divestment locally, can your group be one of them?